The Johari Window and Self-Disclosure

Known to Self Not Known to Self
Known to Others Open Blind
Not Known to Others Hidden Unknown

I first came across The Johari Window many years ago, when a friend prompted me to try it out on my other blog. I remember being quite fascinated by what the Window showed me about myself, especially in the area of my blind spots. I had forgotten it until recently, when it was mentioned in my lecture, while we were discussing Self-Disclosure in the topic of Interpersonal Attraction.

 Information in the ‘Hidden’ quadrant is known only to ourselves. Through self-disclosure, this information can then move up into the ‘Open’ quadrant.

We all know that Self-Disclosure is an important step in intensifying any relationship. By giving the other party information that was previously hidden from them and known only my ourselves, we invite them to step into the next stage of building a closer relationship.

We also unconsciously disclose information about ourselves from the ‘Blind’ quadrant. We are not aware of the cues we are giving off from this quadrant, but the other party can readily and easily observe things about us that we display unconsciously. It is only when the other party acknowledges these information, can we move them into the ‘Open’ quadrant.

Having a large part of ourselves in the ‘Open’ quadrant of the Johari Window makes us more open and comprehensible people. Miscommunication happens not as frequently than if we have more information in the other quadrants. However, not everyone enjoys being an Open Book. In fact, many prefer to keep things in the ‘Hidden’ quadrant, not to have their blind spots pointed out, and to have plenty of information remain Unknown.

Too much Self-Disclosure may be detrimental to any relationship, as secrets become facts that can be manipulated by the other party, or distorted into threats on one extreme. I believe in always keeping a healthy amount of undisclosed facts about myself in the ‘Hidden’ quadrant of my own Johari Window. Better still, some facts should remain in the ‘Unknown’ quadrant forever to keep things uncomplicated.

It may be important for one to reveal hidden information to people through Self-Disclosure. However, the choice of people whom we reveal ourselves to is even more important. One should only have a large ‘Open’ quadrant with close friends or family whom we can trust. By opening ourselves up to these people who matter, we allow the relationship to become stronger.

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